Living The Truth
Living Your Truth ( LYT) - as the name suggests is a simple yet extremely powerful program that helps you connect back with yourself. It gives you the resources to walk through life and handle all the curve balls that life throws at you. It gives deeper meaning to even the simplest of daily chores you do. More importantly, it brings you closer to God. Every single point that we speak about in this series is scientifically backed. Immersing yourself completely in this program and applying it's teachings in your daily life can be life altering.
This program is a live 4-5 hour session conducted via zoom. It is an interactive session with every participant being given a chance to speak their heart and ask questions. Post session, the recording is made available to all the participants. There are regular assignments that help in understanding the teachings, better. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and share experiences and interact with each other via a WhatsApp group. Suffice to say - what happens in that group stays only there and virtual support is provided ( without any time restrictions) to everyone. Every query on the group is answered in detail so everyone gets to learn from it..
For whom is this course?
Anyone and everyone who wants to develop emotional balance which in turn leads to physical, relationship and life goal (need to find a better word) balance .
This course is for people who want to be centred despite the external situations in their lives.
This course for all who are trying to figure out their purpose in life and also to find tools to achieve it.
Benefits of this course
Access to life coaching that is scientifically backed,with definitive results.
A mentor who walks the talk and is there to guide you through all the hurdles you might face in your course and in life.
A like-minded community,who are always there,going through similar challenges,and helping each other to overcome the same.
How does Living your truth course work?
LIVE session 3-4 hour conducted via ZOOM.
Unlimited Acess to Recording of the Live Sessions.
Unlimited Guidance through WhatsApp Chat.
Regular Guided Assignments for better Understanding.
Simple yet profoundly powerful, this program can change your life completely.
As the name suggests - this is a program that helps you learn the simplest (yet somewhere lost) truths of life that can change the very way you look at and experience life.
I went into the program expecting nothing - just because my mentor Yasmin asked me to join. I entered it with pure faith and one semester down - I am a changed person. This is no gyaan or unnecessarily long sermons. It is pure, simple and scientifically backed life truths - that lead you to question every decision you make in life. The truths and facts that are uncovered by the LYT program have always been a part of our lives but somewhere down have been hidden away in our pursuit for happiness. LYT allows you to peel off all these layers and revel in simple truths of life - that bring you closer to God and yourself. Apply these truths diligently to every part of your life and you will find that life takes a turn for the better and resources automatically come to you. I am grateful for every second of the LYT program and the insights that it has given, which have led me to become a better human being and more importantly a better mother.
Can't wait for the next semester to begin. Thank you Yasmin mam for coming up with this. Thank you my sorority sisters for being there every step and holding space for me. Looking forward to more life changing miracles with the program.
I feel like I'm finally released off feeling stuck for so many years. I feel 'unstuck' now.
I grew up as a very confused child, was unable to handle transitions, which made me feel very lonely and misunderstood as a teenager, by my parents. I kept feeling stuck not being able to be myself in my own home.
Religion used to be so fear based, all teachings in my past were all about halal, haram, heaven and hell and testing the anger of God, this fear was used to make me a good child. So, even though I believed in God, this fear used to keep pushing me away. Prayer was the hardest, I used to pray and I used to rush to complete. It is only now after this program I'm seeing all this in a different lens. I'm only seeing now that God is ever loving. I stopped seeking validation from my close ones. I started being kind to myself by seeing the reality. I started to acknowledge how I really felt and in some time I would realise that I shouldn't be taking others words too personally, I realise it's only my lens that has changed, the other person is the same. My prayers for my husband changed from "when will he change/understand me" to "I pray he feels the love, presence and guidance of God, the same way that I did"
My energy levels feel more childlike to me. My words have finally begun to flow, I've always loved to write and sing. I'm able to express my thoughts without much difficulty and sing without feeling judged. Thank You so much ma'am. It is magical for me.
Ma'm you've taught me fishing rather than give me a fish each time I needed one!
I was in a very chaotic state of my life. The LYT came to me just at the right time. This is a step by step hand holding program that is helping me shape up my life in a way I never knew would be possible. It is very profound with simple steps. It’s very deep yet so subtle.It has given me the knowledge on what the ultimate purpose of life is. I have learnt to open up my heart, that way I’m able to give and receive more truth and love.
Now, I’m in a better state of mind. I used to feel lost most times whereas now with the LYT program I feel more connection. I feel more grounded and stable. I’m moving from Confusion to Clarity.
There are times I go out of track, that’s when Yasmin Mam slowly brings us back in track, she receives each one of us in the space we are in at that moment and very delicately gives us tools and techniques that will help us not only to understand this new road but also to sustain it all our life.
My dear buddies, I feel a very strong silent connection with each and every one of you. Every story is special and inspiring in its own beautiful way. The support group all of us are in keeps me going.mGratitude and love is all I have for this Amazing Program, Yasmin mam with a magical heart and to my dear buddies.
I have been able to find the resources I never dreamed of, after the LYT program.
Living your truth series was something Yasmin ma’am put me on after 2.5 years of knowing her and of getting treated by her for various reasons and the main reason being depression. Her sessions are amazing and my family and I are living truths of her healing touch, both physically and emotionally. And me being a medical professional beyond the treatment ,I was fascinated with the calmness, strength and empathy emanating from Yasmin ma’am through all our sessions.
I went into the program with no expectations, just with the word that Yasmin Ma’am had asked me to take it up. It so happened that this has been a very tough year for us as a family and we have been struggling hard, but I have attended each and every one of the sessions and seen the transformation happening in many of my friends in the group one by one, I was understanding the concepts but situations and difficulties overtook me again and again and I was overwhelmed and frustrated that I was not on the path, but finally I got my break ,nothing has changed about our situation but I have become calm, able to hold it together for my family, I am able to handle my emotions to a great extent and my path is clear. The past months of attending the course has made me realize from where Yasmin ma’am gets her strength, compassion and steadiness from and she holds our hands and helps us navigate through with the same passion and kindness, helping us to learn to be centered despite our situations in life.