Clinical Lactation
Extensive research on breast milk confirms that the human milk is species-specific and that it is 'normal' food for babies that contains optimal essential fatty acids, live enzymes, antibacterial and antiviral antibodies for optimum immunological protection, neurological growth, physical maturation and emotional development. The significant of breastfeeding is not breast milk alone but the mechanics of breastfeeding that allows for optimal jaw, teeth, airway and speech development as well as overall facial development.
What wraps it all up is the 'mothering' through breastfeeding for baby's overall well being. Therefore, the care for breastfeeding and lactation must start early and must remain ongoing through the care for women.
Learning about Breastfeeding during Pregnancy
During your pregnancy you begin to think about what nutrition you would like to provide for your baby and if you can give your baby the best you can. It’s also a time of uncertainty about what you know about breastfeeding and often you think, you may wish to deal with it once the baby is born. One of the most important aspects of preparing for your baby during early pregnancy must be about understanding how to ensure a smooth beginning of feeding your baby. This is extremely crucial since pregnancy, labor and birth can have a major impact on breastfeeding.
Consulting your Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) can provide a head start with evidenced based information to be prepared to breastfeed your baby.
Starting Solids
Extending Optimal nutrition to Life
While cultural aspects of introducing solids is varied as the cultures themselves around the world, research and data has brought out the importance delaying introduction of solids. You may find the information about starting solids sometimes as an overwhelming phase for a young mother who is anxious to provide the best food and nutrition to baby.
Getting Breastfeeding to a great start
Initial days after you have your baby are intense and sometimes overwhelming. You may have a thousand questions and are looking for some practical guidance to make the right choices to keep the breastfeeding exclusive.
You may be looking for help for correct positioning and latch, manage engorgement, avoid plugged ducts, breast infections such as mastitis and abscess or learn to express milk. Certain concerns such as inability to latch, ineffective latch, slow weight gain, recurrent pain during feeds, prematurely, and returning to work.
Back to Work
Providing safe nutrition to your baby while you are away
If you are a working mother, you may worry about how to get back to work and sometimes feel overwhelmed thinking of leaving baby under someone else's care and more so food and nutrition runs on the top of your mind. Good planning and reaching out to discuss your plan ahead of time saves you some very sensitive and vulnerable process of going back to work. It is definitely possible to continue to breastfeed your baby while you advance in your career and other interests of life.
Extended support for normal course of breastfeeding beyond maternal leave could include maintaining milk supply to reach your goal of exclusive breastfeeding as recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) and Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP),
Getting Skilled help for your baby
Extended support for normal course of breastfeeding beyond immediate postnatal days which could include maintaining milk supply to reach your goal of exclusive breastfeeding as recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) and Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP),
Tackling the sensitiveness of starting solids, going back to work, maintaining milk supply for extended period of time, toddler breastfeeding and gentle weaning covers post natal support.
Gentle & Natural Weaning
Continuing the bond of trust with your baby
Weaning is an interactive process between you and your baby. Your baby continues to breastfeed for first few years for many reasons: for immunity, for growth & development, for comfort, for security, for a way to calm down and for reassurance of love and affection besides nutrition.
The baby can be completely trusted to wean herself as her need of security and comfort gets fulfilled and is not a habit that needs to be broken. This is a milestone reached at their own internal pace and like walking, talking and other milestones are different for each child. Many mothers who are mindful of the needs of their child continue this trust in the relationship.
You may need enormous amount of help to search yourself and your inner voice to support your journey of natural weaning.
Breastfeeding plan of care may deal with common concerns as well as complex breastfeeding issues as listed below
I am pregnant do I wait until I deliver to know more about Breastfeeding?
How can I prepare for a good start of breastfeeding my baby?
Do birthing choices have an impact on breastfeeding?
My baby is premature. How can I breastfeed?
I have gestation hypertension, what do I about breastfeeding?
My baby has jaundice, doc says I need to supplement. Don’t I have enough ?
I have had a breast reduction/augmentation. Can I breastfeed?
Does cesarean birth affect breastfeeding?
Why is my baby suddenly nursing all through the day and night?